Course Description
Course Curriculum
Module 1 - Get Your Head in the Game
Audio (6:30)
Module 2 - Let’s Get Those Wheels Spinning
Video (9:02)
Module 3 - Mindful Considerations
Audio (10:39)
Module 4 - How Documenting Makes Life Better
Audio (4:44)
Module 5 - It’s GO Time!
Video (13:02)
Documenting 101
About Becky

Is this course for you?
After reviewing everything else here on the course page AND checking out some of these points, you might have a better sense of whether or not this is something that feels right for you right now.
WHO — Documenting 101 is for anyone interested in getting started with documenting, those who want to pick it up again after some time away from documenting, or even seasoned documenters who value some fresh perspective as they continue in documenting.
WHAT — We cover the basics of getting started (or starting again) in documenting. We talk about clearing up your mindset, get you inspired through sharing different ideas for documenting, and we round out by creating a game plan for taking action.
WHEN — Once you have your seat in the mini course you can go through the content ANYtime and completely at your own pace … but if you ask me, there’s no time like the present! You can get through the entire mini course in well under an hour.
WHERE — As long as you have an internet connection to log into the classroom, you can be anywhere you’d like to be as you go through the audio + video content.
WHY — Documenting is not only important for a hundred reasons but it adds value to our life for a thousand more! Documenting is a form of a gratitude practice. Increased gratitude = increased happiness and who doesn’t want THAT?
HOW — Grab your seat right here, on this page … right now!
Q: How long does it take to complete the course?
A: The total length of all the content in this mini course is less than 45 minutes so you can easily get through it all in one sitting, or you’re welcome to spread it out and watch or listen to one module at a time. You’ll have unlimited access to the content so you can go at your own pace and come back at any time for a refresher.
Q: Do I have to be logged into the classroom at a certain time to participate in lessons?
A: Nope! Our goal is to make this as easy for you as possible. We know everyone’s schedule is different and time zones aren’t always kind when it comes to allowing us the ability to connect in “real time”. For that reason, all lessons in this course are self-paced and available to you all the time. No need to worry that you’ll miss some content because you aren’t available. The content will be here when you are.
Q: Can I download the video/audio content to my computer or mobile device?
A: The audio and video content is protected within the site and available for listening and watching whenever you’re logged into your account on your computer or mobile device. While you will not be able to download them, you will have access to them indefinitely so you can listen to and watch the content whenever you want.
Q: What if I have questions as I work through the course content? Is there a “help desk” of any sort?
A: For tech support in the BH Classroom, email [email protected].
Q: Do I need anything more than my computer or mobile device to complete this course?
A: You may want to print the PDF provided in the course. We encourage note taking and jotting down ideas when they come to mind, and we also highly recommend having a notebook. Check out the BH Simple Notebooks that are available exclusively in our shop.
Q: I would love to give this mini course as a gift. Is that possible?
A: Not only is it possible, you’re super smart and awesome for considering it! We’re sure your friend will love you for it! If you want it to be a surprise, the easiest way to make it happen is for you to create an account in your name and purchase the class through your account. Then once you've surprised your friend with the gift, email [email protected] with her name and email address and we can transfer the class from your account over to hers so that she has access to it. *Please note that if you have already purchased the class for yourself, our classroom platform will not let you purchase the same course multiple times so you will need to create another account (with a different email address) to purchase the gift.* If it's not meant to be a surprise then you can create an account using her name and email address while completing the purchase with your credit card information. She would then be the one to receive the "welcome to the classroom" email that is sent when a new account is created and also the welcome email specific to the class.
Q: What is your refund policy on online courses?
A: We don’t offer refunds. Once you have purchased a seat in a course, you have unlimited access to the content and we promise that as you watch and go through the content with an open mind, you WILL be inspired … maybe even in ways you’re not expecting! We hope you find value in the content.
Q: I’ve read through the FAQs and still have a question. Who can I ask for help?
A: We’re here for you! Simply email [email protected].